Hosting a benefit for 2 local Children
I have been deeply touched by two extraordinary children that are in my area both battling the same childhood cancer. As part of The Littlest Heroes Project I have been in contact with two amazing families that have incredible but very sad stories of their two young children. Olivia is a three year old princess and Drew he is a 5 year old little super hero. I have already taken Olivia's pictures as part of the Littlest Heroes Project. I will be taking Drew's very soon; in fact if all went well he was being released from the local children's hospital today. Both children were diagnosed back in November with medulloblastoma. Scott and I are happy to announce that we will be hosting a benefit for both children on July 11th to help with the astronomical medical bills both families have been faced with. You can read Olivia's story in my last post. As soon as I am able to take Drew's pictures I will also be posting his story. Both these families have been through so much. Something I could never imagine. I do not know how I could be as strong as these parents are. They deserve so much. It makes me so sad that these innocent beautiful children have been struck with such an ugly disease. They are fighting so hard and are genuine little heroes. Keep July 11th on your calendars. More details will follow!
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